Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Because I Asked

I had class last night. During our break (we get a break halfway through the 2.5 hour class) I called Alec to see if he would pick up some onions for the roast I was planning on making for dinner tonight.* I didn't want to catch him if he'd already made it home, but turns out he was still out and about. After I made my request, he said, "Do you want anything from Academy?" It seems he was headed there for reasons unbeknownst to me at the time but resulting in more apparati for dog training. As it was Academy, I didn't really have any requests, so I jokingly said, "Just bring me something pretty."
The above picture is the result of that request. I didn't actually expect him to get me anything, so it was a nice surprise. And it is pretty :-)
*I managed to forget about the Alpha Gamma Delta Backyard BBQ happening tonight, so the roast will be Thursday's "Yay for the Crockpot" meal.