Friday, November 18, 2011

Because We Waited Up for Her

I admit that I'm woefully behind in updating. The dog ate my motivation. And a few pairs of my underwear.
We recently welcomed new life into the Thompson family. Piper Lee Thompson was born to Toby and Julie at 2:21 a.m. on November 2. She weighed 7 lbs., 9 ozs. and was 19.5 in. long. And she was loved by so many before she even drew her first outside breath. Now that she's out she's being completely smothered with that love by those same people :-)
On November 1st we got a text message letting us know that Toby was taking Julie to the hospital to get her ready for induction. It was a night more than a week before Piper's due date, but she was ready (and her Mama was ready!) for her to make her debut. Alec and I decided to head to down to Ada to lend what little manner of moral support we could (along with Travis-on-a-stick and Andy-on-a-stick) in the waiting room. We arrived at about 9:30, just late enough to miss visiting hours. After being spirited into the hospital through the ER entrance by an extremely excited almost-Aunt Katie, we joined the rest of the family in the waiting room. And let me tell you, I don't think any little girl in Ada has ever had such a fan club for her birth from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. as Piper Thompson! 
Julie was a trooper as the nurses monitored Piper's progress and at one point decided it was necessary to stop her drip. Toby came in and out of the delivery room, sitting with us, letting us know how things were going, being surprisingly relaxed. The doting grandparents were all present, Aunt Katie hid her anxious excitement behind her iPad, Uncle Brent tried to stay awake, Julie's brother and sister-in-law brought her niece and nephew to enjoy the special night, but her poor nephew ended up puking on the waiting room floor. Next to my feet. I now know that I can handle vomit better than my mother. Poor little Mack! Finally, it was time, earlier than we had anticipated. Lovie Kim stood with her ear pressed to the double doors leading to the delivery suite, straining to hear her grandbaby's first cries. We looked through the waiting room window, wondering when a nurse would walk through the double doors and smack Lovie in the face with the door. By that time, Jake and Blake had arrived to hug the proud papa at the appropriate time, and to provide the obligatory "It's a Girl!" cigars. And I believe some beer in the parking lot.
Then, we got the news--Piper was here! Excited by the news, Katie went to put it on Facebook, realizing a few minutes later that most normal people were in bed. I, of course, had posted it as well, so we commented on each other's posts. It was a great night.
A bit later, we got to watch as they cleaned Piper up and got her ready to go back to her parents, who were eagerly awaiting her. We felt slightly sorry for the nurse behind the glass who was being stared at by ten people at 3:30 in the morning while she was cleaning the baby. But not that sorry, because dang it we wanted to see that little girl!
Finally, we dragged ourselves away at about 4:30 a.m. We needed to go to work the next day, so we hopped in the car and headed for Norman. Three hours of sleep later and we were both in our offices, occasionally getting photos on our phones or on Facebook of other people holding Piper. We got jealous. We didn't get to hold Piper, and we had waited up for her. We made the decision that we had to go back and see her up close and personal, not behind glass, that night. So we did. And it was an excellent decision. Now we can't wait to get to know her and watch her grow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you spelled out all the details. Interesting to read what everyone was doing. Piper will want this post someday. Don't lose it! This is awesome. And, thanks for taking me and Andy on a stick.