Friday, November 18, 2011

Because It's Cheesy Time

I arrived at work today (on time!) to a mini-crisis concerning the mailing of one of our publications. After viewing the mini-crisis and briefly formulating a plan to deal with mini-crisis, I went upstairs to my desk. I received a phone call. The phone has distinctive rings for inside and outside building calls, so I knew this was a call from someone in the building (it came from inside the house!). Fully expecting it to be about the mini-crisis, I answered. To my surprise, I heard this:
"You have a flower delivery at the loading dock."
Suddenly, in that moment, the mini-crisis melted away, along with any and all issues with projects at school, stress about reading for class, and trying to make it to the end of the semester as Chapter Advisor for the sorority. All that mattered was that I have a husband who loves me, supports me, and reminds me that, despite all the craziness, hard work, and did I mention craziness?, he can't wait to see what the future holds for us to conquer together. And that I feel exactly the same way. He even though to sent the flowers two days early so that I everyone could see them at work.
So happy early anniversary to my husband, maker of blueberry muffins, stealer of my pillow, and neverending giver of love, smiles, and comfort :-)