Walk in, usually late, and open that door that says "Elizabeth M. Bass, Associate Editor of Publications." Set my purse on my desk, set my sippy cup on my coaster, and wake up my computer. It's a work day!
What DO you do all day, Baxter? Oh, it's a mixed bag, my friend, a mixed bag. Lately there's been a lot of learning new software, since I just got my snazzy new CPU complete with the Adobe Creative Suite CS5 so that I can begin doing my publication work in InDesign. Woohoo! After using software that hasn't been upgraded or supported since 2003, this is AMAZING! I mean, it's amazing in general because Adobe is so much more intuitive, but really, 2003.
So, I've been busily making new templates and learning the ins and outs of new software. Fun! And then there's always book reviews. Our scholarly journal has a section devoted to reviews of scholarly books on subjects such as Oklahoma history (duh!), the American West, American Indians, oil and gas history, farming and ranching history, and things of that nature. I get to find the books and find reviewers for the books. So, I get catalogs from various university presses and get to choose what books fit the bill. It's like going to the book fair when you're a kid with your flyer of books to choose from, and boy, did I love the book fair! Bet you would never have guessed that about me, huh? After that, I contact professors, grad students, and other experts in different fields and ask them to review the books for me. It goes a little something like this:
Dear Dr. Hufflepuff,
We have received The History of Duct Tape by Cedric Glockenspiel for review in The Chronicles. Please please please please please do it!!! And if you won't, please pawn it off on someone else!! I'll give you a puppy! And a unicorn! And a rainbow! And two free copies of the issue in which your review appears!*
Best regards,
Desperate Associate Editor Lady
Well, it's a bit more professional than that, but you get the idea. Most folks are pretty psyched to help out.
That's part of a day in the life. There will probably be another installment when we're in the midst of editing. I'll see how well red ink translates to a computer screen. I smell disaster!
*actually a truthful statement
It seems like an honor to be asked to review for you. I bet most of them have big egos and are glad to do it?
And, is that a leg lamp on your desk? Also is that airplane near your office?! Cool!
You have a major award on your desk!!
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